Completed Projects


A utility to convert raster images to ascii art.


A companion utility to AsciiConvert, allowing you to edit and colorize images.

Fragments, Demos, Side Projects

A small demonstration of the SharpDX plugin for C#, animating some images with the alpha transparency.

Code is available here (C#)

Another test of Direct2D using SharpDX, this test is using alpha channeled black images for dynamic darkening.

Code is available here (C#)

A simple demo of determining line-of-sight for a given location.

Code is available here (Visual Basic)

This was a test of the OpenTK bindings for OpenGL. It turns a 2D image into a rotating wall of 3D cubes.

Code is available here (C#)

A quick (almost verbatim from supplied Google materials) demo of the TensorFlow .NET bindings for using machine learning.

Code is available here (C#)