Professional Work

The below are some examples of the coding I've done at my job as an engineer. As the software in question was done for my job, the actual code belongs to my employer and is not available here. Some brief screenshots (click on them for full-size versions) and details on the technical aspects of the work are below.

C# Work

Schlumberger ECLIPSE output parser

This program is a hybrid of a C#/Executable parser for the actual summary (done because there's a bunch of parsing that needs to be done, including changing the Endianness of the data, due to be stored in the archiac Fortran array format) which exports the data to a custom Excel file. From there, VBA is used to generate a number of default curves for viewing. It handles both unified (.UNSMRY) and non-unified (.S####) output files.

VBA/Excel Work

All the examples below are Macro Worksheets, with any software coding done in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Facility/Demand Constraints

This spreadsheet was adopted from an original program by another engineer, and rebuilt from the ground up for ease of use and maintainability. The central premise is taking an uncurtailed production profile and subjecting it to a series of facility or demand constraints, and outputing a constrained profile. Multiple inputs, dynamic prioritization (by water limit, by gas limit, etc), and various other checks on things such as Water-Oil-Ratio and Gas-Oil-Ratio were included.

MBAL Report Parser

A simple text parser for importing Petroleum Experts MBAL outputs directly into Excel more quickly.


A similar, but more complex text file parser to the above, this condenses the relatively large outputs (when enabled via the EXCEL keyword) of Schlumberger ECLIPSE dynamic simulation runs (.RSM files) Besides size, some of the issues dealt with were both CR terminated and non-CR (UNIX-style) text outputs.

Forecast Scaling

Tangentially related to the Constraints file above, this utility allows one to adjust production forecasts to match anticipated (small or larger) recoveries while honoring a general productivity vs. cumulative production relationship, as well as preserving the existing WOR trend (or the fractional flow trend, if selected.)

PhdWin Extraction

This was a quick dumping utility to get profiles from monthly, database exports from TRC PhdWin into Excel.

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 and several SQL queries were used to extract the data, and it is summed on a yearly level and units extracted for labeling as well.