Off to the Ridgeways! Mat, Sam and I are going with them whitewater rafting on the Chattooga. Brett and Amanda joined us too! We stayed in a cabin at Oconee State Park. Steve and baby Richard joined us aftewards. One of our outings was to the White Water Falls, the highest falls in the east.
After our week, Mat, Sam, Richard and I drive to the Great Smokey Mountains to meet the Grandparents Nesmith for a week's camping. It rained for two whole days in the Smokies, so we broke camp and went back to Oconee. Swimming, fishing, and volleyball were the favorite activities for Matt and Sam. The boys went to the dance sponsored by the park too. Richard and the rest of us enjoyed the swings, slides and lovely walks. Richard even got to swim with the boys. We liked the trip to White Water so much we took the Grandparents on a trip there too.
We later left the Grandparents to go to Huntsville, where Dad was working for the summer. We went by way of Franklin, and stopped at an Emerald mine to pick up some gliterring jewels. We stayed in Huntsville and visited the Space Museum and other spots before returning home. This was the best vacation I ever had.
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