After breakfast from the bakery across the street, we left Reykjavik and headed north on 1 (The Ring Road,) but after
a short distance turned off to see Glymur, the tallest waterfall in Iceland. It was at the end of a fjord, and the
hike there took most of the morning, traversing a log/rope bridge and cave! The waterfall itself was almost completely
hidden by the folds of the mountain, requiring a hike virtually to the top lip to get a good view. It was a rather
strenuous hike, and we arrived back at the car, rather tired, around noon.
From there, we had burgers (What Nick would say was one of the best burgers he'd ever had) at a gas station before
spending several hours heading north over the mountains to reach Hotel Reykanes, which was a lonely outpost that
used to be a school. It had a huge, geothermically heated swimming pool that we soaked our bones in, and furnishings
that seemed to come from at least 50 years ago.
Turning on the wood-rimmed Sony Trinitron CRT television, we discovered we received one channel, which consisted of
a local man using sign language. I insisted we had found the punchline, we'd just somehow missed the joke. We also
had a radio which received one long-wave station, and nothing on the AM or FM band.
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